Are you using your college or university internet connection? if that so many of you cannot get access to the p2p connection, i have solution for this problems. I found a sofware that can enable p2p program to work so you can download using p2p connection or play games online without restriction. and even watch video on metacafe and access you myspace.
PingFu helps you bypass proxy servers and firewalls to run applications that use either TCP or UDP as their communication protocol - World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, Everquest II, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, IE, FireFox, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, ICQ, Trillian, Skype...and more! It also allows works as a MySpace proxy or an Orkut proxy, allowing you to access these sites. Currently i am using Pingfu UDP, download rate can be up to 100kbps. So Lucky for me since i love to download wallpapers.
But the bad thing is pingfu is shareware and user are allowed to try up to 3 days only. But you still can use it by put different username after your session expired. try it!!
another program that similar to this is
Http Tunnel
Your Freedom
But i recommend you to try Pingfu UDP
get it here
Sep 24, 2007
how to get on myspace at school
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